
  • 1 Week to Christmas!

    Thank you to everyone who has supported us through this holiday season! We are so very grateful and hope that all of your chocolate treats will be ...
  • Only 2 weeks to Christmas!

    Well, every year we say 'Where did the time go?', and this year is not any different. Thank you all for your support, love and all the positive fee...
  • Christmas Chocolate Launch!

    We are excited to release our Christmas line-up to you! Our flavors are on point, and we are so sure you will be pleased. Christmas is our favorite...
  • Christmas is on it's way!

    We are finished and putting together our advent calendars, distributing them from now until the end of Nov. for our local area. If you had one need...
  • We are in FULL Gear Christmas Mode and it's Grand!

    We are excited to bring to you our new Christmas season offerings.  Just when we thought we were doing great and ahead of the game, we are now offi...
  • Well Wishes!

    We hope you're having a good summer, enjoying family and friends.  Please keep cool in the extreme heat spells, pray for all those affected by the ...
  • Happy Father's Day!

    Happy Father's Day to all the dad's, grand-dads, grand-dad-dads, dads to be, special role model dads for being the best examples, kind and caring, ...
  • Father's Day!

    As we roll into another celebration, we are currently making a view items for our special dads, so stay tuned. Hope you are well, and enjoying the ...
  • Next up... Mother's Day.

    As we roll into another chocolate occasion, what better way to spoil someone on mother's day than with a classy box of yummy chocolates. To all the...
  • Spring Fever!

    I hope you all had a nice Easter, as best as we could have.  Thank you for all you kindness and support. Some families have life almost as usual, w...
  • Hippity- Hoppity Easter is on it's way!

    Well, we are officially 1 week to Easter. It sure sprung on us early this this year, but we were able to create some cuties nd goodies that are alw...
  • Happy Valentin's Day!

    We wanted to thank you all for your recent orders, as we really do appreciate you. Without your love of chocolate, and our chocolate, we wouldn't b...